Event Series Farm Fridays

Farm Fridays

Malabar Farm State Park 4050 Bromfield Road, Lucas, OH

Join a state park naturalist for a more hands on experience at the Main Barn. Bring the kids for games, coloring, scavenger hunts and animal feeding.

Mohican Traithlon

River Kayak, Mountain Bike, Trail Run OMBC Series #7 This Family Friendly MINI Triathlon adventure begins and ends at Mohican Adventures with your choice of SOLO, DUO and Three-Person Teams....

Rebel Rousers Run To The Mill Car Show

Wolf Creek Grist Mill & Museum 3190 State Route 3, Loudonville, OH

Car Show 10AM - 4PM * $10 entry * Post Party with Bands 6PM -Midnight * 1973 and Older Cars * Vintage / Primitive Camping $20 per Spot * 50/50...

32nd Annual Bluegrass Festivals

Join us for our 32nd annual Mohican Bluegrass Festival, this September. This three day family event offers every one of all ages the opportunity to venture out to Mohican Wilderness...

Log Cabin Days

Shorter days, cooler temperatures and sweet apple cider usher in the fall season, and with itLog Cabin Days. Join in the family friendly fun Friday, September 15 th and Saturday,...

38th Annual Great Mohican Pow-Wow

Pow-Wow time is the Native American people's way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones. This is a time to renew...

Event Series Ohio Heritage Days

Ohio Heritage Days

FREE event, Horse drawn wagons, crafters selling a variety of items, food, cut flowers, woodcarvers, honey, fudge, maple syrup and organic flour, many homemade items! Live music, spinners and weavers,...